Guiding students through the self-discovery, college exploration, application and decision-making process on the way to their best fit colleges.

Governed by the belief that the college search and application process can be empowering and transformative, I  guide students as they explore and plan for their post-secondary school lives. I  enable and support students by giving them the tools and guidance they need to navigate the process successfully while building resiliency, confidence, and minimizing stress.   

I support students and families with:

~~ High school curriculum review
~~ Extracurricular and summer planning
~~ Major exploration
~~ College research guidance and visit planning
~~ Interests assessments and major exploration
~~ Managing deadlines and the application process
~~ Resume construction and interview preparation
~~ Essay brainstorming and editing
~~ Financial aid application timing
~~ Scholarship resources
~~ The final decision on which school to attend